The IMC objective is to act as a global focal point for the mutual exchange and dissemination of integrated management and integrated management systems best practice. To help achieve this it provides a range of downloadable documents. General Integrated management papers are listed below.
The IMC encourages authors to submit new or existing papers relating to Integrated Management theory and/or its application including case studies for inclusion in this section. Contact the IMC.
General Integrated Management Papers are listed below:
A Survey Analysis of Integrated Management Systems in the UK
Managing Data in an Evolving World - A guide for good data governance
Other site resource sections include IMC Hub Papers and Presentations.
See also MSS 1000 Papers and Presentations​.
This paper was published in Quality World in 2011 by Ian Dalling and was a precursor to the creation of MSS 1000:2014 Universal Management System Standard. It presents a management classification to allow all of an organisation’s operations to be defined within a twelve element hierarchical taxonomy such that only twelve management procedures are required to totally manage the totality of an organisation.
The management taxonomy can be used to structure any organisation or project management manual or set of management procedures and benefit any organisation irrespective of size or type, private or public. Additionally, the management taxonomy has the potential to be universally applied to the structuring of management standards, legislation (overall structuring as well as individual statutes and regulations), licensing arrangements, databases, records, key performance indicators and dashboards, root cause analysis, problem-solving, education and training programs, knowledge structures, artificial management intelligence and research planning.
It demonstrates that with the right vision and commitment, the global application of management at every level could be unified and much simpler to administer.
See also ‘Order from Chaos Classification Process’ presentation given at Harwell.
This university masters paper was published in 2012 by Agnieszka Katniak and analysed the integration of management systems in UK organisations operating to multiple management system standards that had staff who were members of the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) and/or the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM).
It examined which management systems were being integrated and to what extent, what were the barriers to integration, the benefits, and the level of competence of integrated management system (IMS) practitioners. It was found that most businesses (80%) planned to integrate their management systems or had already done so and was primarily being initiated internally.
Several interpretations of what an IMS is were revealed and the survey reported this lack of consensus was perceived as the number one barrier to integration. Most companies achieved partial integration. The research also shows that the large number and wide range of management system standards used by companies is not reflected in the IMS literature. However, the survey indicates that the number of management system standards adopted did not determine the integration policy, achieved degrees of integration or the number of difficulties in the integration process.
Management Integration: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions
This paper was published in 2012 by Barry Holt and Ian Dalling and addresses; the unifying principles that support integrated management, the benefits of different approaches as well as the barriers which need to be overcome and concluded that integrated management provides an opportunity to manage organisations much more effectively and efficiently.

This paper was published in 2012 by Dr M. Rouzbeh and its objective was to show that all organisations large or small benefit from expert support. However, it is seldom possible for managers and leaders of processes related to products or services to keep abreast of all advances in management system theories and applied models. It takes an expert in systems, who is at the same time aware of the specific needs of the organization to monitor and advise the management on a continual basis. This scheme called the Management System Continual Support (MSCS) is over and above both consultancy and audit, while it does draw on experience in those disciplines to a great extent. What it takes, and the depth of expertise it needs are also discussed in the present article. A model is outlined to show the role such expertise may play in the overall management of the organization.
This paper was published in 2016 by Ian Dalling and is primarily aimed at those responsible for establishing governance arrangements and the design and implementation of management systems. It will enable organisations to view data opportunity upsides and downsides within the context of the overall management of the organisation operating under uncertainty and apply pragmatic and proportionate prospect and risk management to equitably satisfy the needs, expectations and aspirations of internal and external stakeholders while making the best use of resources.
Data, together with personnel, commerce, matter and energy, forms the structures and dynamics of an organisation. It is an essential and critical element in the effective and efficient delivery of the organisation’s purpose as judged by its various stakeholders. It is therefore a key component of an organisation’s potential prospects and risks as it operates under a myriad of uncertainties that is made worse by the ongoing data revolution with information technology at its core.
Why data is a key governance issue and why it cannot be managed in isolation of the organisation as a whole is explained and how organisations should approach its systematic management and conduct integrated holistic prospect and risk management assessments. It is particularly relevant to organisations managing major hazards and threats.
Eyes and Ears - Ensure your organisation has 20:20 Vision
Integrated management is about forgetting to fragment management and the principle also applies to integrated monitoring. It should be a holistic observing and checking process and structure that connects with all other management arrangements to optimise the performance of the organisation leading to the most efficient and effective use of internal and contracted resources.